Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hello again, blog!

It's been a while since I posted, and a while since I've doula'd. I had a client in the fall of 2010, and then didn't take another one until recently. 2011 was the year of the "day job," and it didn't slow down until I had to take some vacation time which I was at risk of losing.

Fortunately for me, 2011 wasn't devoid of things to keep my doula wheels greased. There was a Spinning Babies workshop. And I'm still helpling my friend Kim with her website and classes as I'm able. I also got some new books, and I won a "Motherload" drawing and received a free copy of More Business of Being Born.

So, I'm going to try to get these bloggy gears turning again now that it's 2012; this is the Chinese Year of the Dragon, and a turning point in history according to the ancient Mayans. If nothing else - it'll be interesting! (-:

Here's a shout-out to Dale Lund for inspiring me with his stories to begin blogging again.


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