Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Welcome to the Last Three Weeks of Being Pregnant."

So sayeth the midwife to my March client, who called her tonight to tell her about the wild and wooly Braxton-Hicks she's having.

This client has been a fun one; she's a feisty go-getter who's been a research hound since day one of her pregnancy. She had a loss several years ago, which she mourned; this is a very welcomed pregnancy and baby, and she's done everything she can to improve her physical life and educate herself, working toward the goal of a birth that's as un-medicalized as possible.

Her text messages tonight have been making me grin - "Am I just being silly and blowing this out of proportion??" she asked me when her body decided to practice squeeze just one section of her stomach. I replied that it's her first time around this block, and anything new and unknown can be frightening, then suggested that she try drinking some juice, lie on her left side and do some kick counting to reassure herself that her little one is okay in there. She did, and he's moving just fine.

Carry on, mama - you're performing a miracle!


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